7 Reasons to Use Meadowfoam Seed Oil for Beard

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Meadowfoam Seed Oil for Beard

Meadowfoam seed oil has been gaining popularity in the natural beard oil community as of late, with many users swearing by its ability to soften and nourish their beards better than other, more common oils like jojoba or argan oil.

essential oil for beardI’ve personally been using this oil in my own beard as well, so I decided to do some research into it to see what all the fuss was about and why people liked it so much. Here are seven reasons you should consider adding meadowfoam seed oil to your own grooming routine, whether it’s natural or not.

Moisturizes dry, itchy skin

First Reason of Meadowfoam Seed Oil for Beard, The vitamin A in meadowfoam seed oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, making it great for soothing irritation and dryness. Vitamin A can also stimulate healthy cell growth, resulting in thicker facial hair.

The fatty acids found in meadowfoam seed oil help seal moisture into your skin, keeping it supple and nourished so that you can grow healthy beard hair. You’ll notice a noticeable reduction in itchiness—and your beard will be softer and shinier too!

The essential oils make my beard smell nice: Since it contains essential oils like patchouli, rosemary, lavender and peppermint, my meadowfoam seed oil has a light but pleasant scent. I use just two drops of essential oils per ounce of carrier oil to create my own scent blends;

I don’t use fragrance oils because they aren’t as high quality or pure as essential oils. As an added bonus, if I get some on my hands while applying it to my face or neck, I can enjoy its fresh scent all day long!

Promotes cell regeneration

Second Reason of Meadowfoam Seed Oil for Beard, With regular use, meadowfoam seed oil can help promote healthy cell regeneration and reduce skin damage from oxidation. This unique feature means that your beard will grow faster, be healthier and look shinier with regular use.

Another benefit of cell regeneration is that it helps your hair become stronger, giving you a thicker and more vibrant beard. Overall, meadowfoam seed oil can make your facial hair healthier-looking so that you stand out in a crowd.

The antioxidant properties of meadowfoam seed oil are also great for promoting healthiness and stopping further damage. The combination of omega-3s and 6s in meadowfoam seed oil fights free radicals before they cause further issues, which means that your beard stays smoother longer even if you don’t keep up with grooming.

Additionally, antioxidants can stop inflammation issues caused by cuts or scrapes on your face before they turn into something worse by reducing redness, itchiness or pain after minor accidents. As an added bonus, these same features also lend themselves to moisturising issues such as dryness which are common with beards due to heat and other factors during daily life.

Increases elasticity of hair follicles

Third Reason of Meadowfoam Seed Oil for Beard, As we get older, many of us begin noticing that our hair just doesn’t seem as elastic as it used to be. Unlike collagen, which decreases in abundance as we age, elasticity actually has more to do with genetics than any sort of natural aging process.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t fight aging by strengthening your follicles! Exposing your scalp and beard area to meadowfoam seed oil will increase elasticity of your hair follicles while also soothing irritation and itching.

This is a great product if you suffer from dandruff or general dryness—mood can play a part in hair health too! In fact, research suggests that stress may have a hand in premature graying. (Related: What Causes Gray Hair?)

Not only does it provide added protection against premature graying but it can also reverse gray hairs to their original color without damaging your existing hair color or texture. The biggest benefit here is that unlike most other products out there, you don’t need to use much of meadowfoam seed oil at all before seeing results.

So whether you have thinning hair or just want to add some healthy shine back into your beard area, using products like these are a good way to go about getting results quickly and effectively!

Improves circulation and blood flow in your scalp

Fourth Reason of Meadowfoam Seed Oil for Beard, You’ve probably noticed that your skin feels different right after a shave—you might even have trouble running your fingers through your hair.

That’s because circulation and blood flow to your scalp increase when you shave. Using a conditioner with meadowfoam seed oil every time you wash your hair keeps those things in check, as well as improving elasticity and softness.

That’s especially important if you’re growing out a beard or trying to stop hair loss from another cause. The more hair follicles are nourished, the healthier they’ll be—and new hairs will sprout more easily. In other words: Even if you don’t care about looking stylish with your facial hair, it helps to take care of it. ( Source )

Maintains balance of oils in your hair and skin

Sixth Reason of Meadowfoam Seed Oil for Beard, Just like your body, your beard is made up of a variety of different cells and oils that promote healthy hair growth. Products formulated with high levels of fatty acids help strengthen those cells and give you a thicker beard in no time.

For best results, look for a product that contains not only fatty acids, but also helps repair split ends while providing nourishment to dry skin and adding sheen. If you’re having trouble growing out your facial hair, try using meadowfoam seed oil regularly as part of your daily grooming routine.

High levels of linoleic acid make it one of nature’s best moisturizers and will help rehydrate dry skin on your face so that it can grow faster without breaking off or becoming brittle. Look for products that contain between 70% and 90% linoleic acid for optimal results. You should see noticeable changes within two weeks of regular use.

Also note that if you have very oily skin, look for an unscented product since many men’s grooming products are scented to attract customers. Unscented formulas are more appropriate for those who already have oily skin and want to avoid further problems from occurring.

Stimulates growth at the roots of your hair

Seventh Reason of Meadowfoam Seed Oil for Beard, The antioxidants and essential fatty acids found in meadowfoam seed oil will help stimulate new hair growth at your hair follicles. The result is thicker, fuller-looking hair, even if you’re not seeing tons of new hairs growing in. This is because as new hair grows it pushes out older hairs, which adds volume to thinning areas and gives a more lush overall appearance to your beard.

Stronger nails: Like your hair, nails are another part of your body that benefits from essential fatty acids. Your nails can become brittle and weak with age or if you don’t have enough nutrients in your diet—meadowfoam seed oil can help them grow longer and stronger so they don’t split or break as easily. Anti-inflammatory properties:

If you suffer from skin irritation under your beard, using meadowfoam seed oil on a regular basis can be an effective way to reduce inflammation and redness. It also has anti-bacterial properties that fight off acne bacteria and prevent ingrown hairs caused by shaving.

Moisturizes dry skin: As we mentioned above, moisturizing is important when trying to grow out facial hair—and applying meadowfoam seed oil directly after washing your face will give it an extra boost of hydration. Reduces itching:

If you have sensitive skin under your beard or experience any itching during times of seasonal change (like winter), applying some meadowfoam seed oil before bedtime can help calm irritated skin while you sleep.

Prevents breakage and promotes longer hair

A combination of protein, vitamins and fatty acids in meadowfoam seed oil can be great for growing hair. Studies on rats show that those supplemented with meadowfoam seed oil experienced less breakage and more regrowth than those that were not. Since it has a lightweight texture, it penetrates through your hair strands easily.

The vitamin E can help stop further breakage while promoting growth. Not only will your beard grow back thicker, but also healthier as well. If you have thinning or sparse facial hair, you’ll be happy to see new growth appear after using meadowfoam seed oil regularly. In addition, it prevents dandruff from occurring so you won’t have flakes appearing in your beard.

This is because meadowfoam seed oil acts as an emollient to prevent water loss and thus dryness within your skin. When combined with other oils like coconut or jojoba, it helps balance out moisture retention throughout your body so you don’t get dried out skin on your face either.

You won’t feel any greasy residue left behind when applying a small amount of meadowfoam seed oil either. It absorbs quickly into the skin so there’s no chance of getting a shiny appearance from overuse either. Your beard will look naturally healthy without looking like you put too much product into it.

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